miércoles, enero 29, 2020

ORAL MEDICINE : Are there red or white-white oral lesions in the oral cavity?

1. Common causes of mucosal redness (erythema) include:

Vasodilation: increased blood vessel diameter commonly occurring with inflammation, but also possible with neoplasia

Vascular proliferation: increased number of blood vessels due to release of growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), during inflammation and as part of neoplasia

Leaky blood vessels (bleeding into tissue): due to trauma, occasionally due to an immune response

See also: DENTAL ANESTHESIA: Simple and safe posterior superior alveolar nerve block

Epithelial thinning (atrophy and/or reduced epithelial keratinization): due to abnormal cell turnover during normal healing, in response to trauma, or as part of dysplasia

2. A mixture of red and white lesions suggests an irregular epithelial surface that may be caused by a variety of processes, including chronic trauma, inflammation and neoplasia.


° jcda.ca
° Canadian Dental Association
° Joel B. Epstein, DMD, MSD, FRCD, FDS RCSE; Sara Gordon, DDS, MSc, FRDC