martes, abril 03, 2018

ORAL MEDICINE : What causes a Sore Red Tongue?

Having a sore, red or swollen tongue is a common problem but can be quite painful.

The problems associated with sore tongue can also cause difficulty in talking, chewing and swallowing.

The causes of these problems with the tongue can be many.

The causes can be as simple as eating hot food or allergy to a particular food or oral hygiene product like tooth paste or a breath freshener.

The causes can be more serious such as disease or disorder like anxiety, syphilis, depression or hormone changes.

The tongue can also become red or swollen due to the use of some medicines associated with the treatment of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Some diuretics can also cause a swollen tongue. Some forms of anaemia can also cause the tongue to swell.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid are among some of the probable causes.

See also: ORAL HEALTH: White spots on lips - Causes

Some nerve damage caused during tooth extraction or a bacterial infection could be the cause behind a sore red tongue.

Tobacco, alcohol or even spices can cause the tongue to become red and swollen.

One should immediately contact a doctor if one experiences any of the following symptoms.

Blockage in airway, severe discomfort, problem while speaking, swallowing or chewing and suspected bacterial infection or cancer should be immediately checked by a doctor.

Those with some other health problem should also immediately contact their health care provider in case of a red, sore tongue.
