viernes, diciembre 06, 2019

10 common oral hygiene mistakes, according to dentists

It’s been ingrained in your mind since you were old enough to wield a toothbrush: spend two minutes brushing your teeth three times a day.

You still might even hum a familiar tune every time you step in front of the sink or go through the exact same “up and down, round and round” motions you did at age five.

However, according to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 80 percent of people develop at least one cavity by age 34, so something’s not quite adding up.

Read also: ORAL MEDICINE : A guide to common oral lesions

While genetics plays a factor in your likelihood to experience tooth decay, it’s not the only variable. To uncover some of the most common oral hygiene mistakes that may be contributing to the problem, we asked dentists to weigh in.


° Source :
° Author : Wendy Rose Gould
° Image : 360 Dental