viernes, noviembre 22, 2019

Teeth Bleaching - Dangers of Bleachorexia

Bleachorexia is defined as an unhealthy obsession with whitening one's teeth.

The patient feels that their teeth are always not white enough and continues to use whiteners to obtain a “perfect” smile.

The obsession with having whiter teeth can lead to “bleachorexia,” or over-bleaching.

Such behavior falls under the category of a body dysmorphic disorder and may need medical counseling.

In many cases, those with bleachorexia are unaware of or ignore the risks involved with over-bleaching, some of which can cause permanent damage.

See also: ORTHODONTICS: How To Handle Braces Emergencies- Wire Poking, Sore Teeth

Fuente: Youtube / Distinctive Dentistry on Maitland